Static Categorization

Static categorization focuses on metadata related tasks such as generation and extraction. The baseline endpoints use just product title and description to perform tasks that improve your product metadata quality.

Fine-tuning the static categorization models allow you to automate new metadata tasks with the same product information inputs.

API information for batch-categorize endpoint:

import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = json.dumps({
"csv_url": '',
"run_type": "static",
"model_id": "my_custom_model",
"csv_id": None})
headers = {'KEY': '<YOUR_API_KEY>','Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)



This endpoint returns a task_id that allows you to access the batch run when it's finished. Use /get-results to fetch with task_id.

Required Headers

API key and content type are required.

{'KEY': '<YOUR_API_KEY>','Content-Type': 'application/json'}


URL of a publicly available CSV containing product information to categorize. This allows you to simply access a live URL such as s3 or a database. Required fields are "Title" and "Description". This field must be used if a CSV has not already been uploaded to and accessed via "csv_id". One of these two fields is required, but not both.

Type: string
Default: None


Choose which categorization endpoint you want to use. Options are static and dynamic.

Type: string
Default: None

Example Payload:

csv_id: 5
run_type: β€œstatic”
model_id: β€œgoogle”


Id used to access your fine-tuned model or any fine-tuned models available across plans. If you are a fine-tuned or enterprise user and do not know your model_id please reach out to support. Model_id is case sensitive.

Type: string
Default: None


Id from an uploaded CSV. This id comes from the upload CSV endpoint: This allows you to upload and store your CSVs for processes like this one. This field is not required if you're using the csv_url field.

Type: int
Default: None