Product Similarity
Product Similarity returns similar products in your dataset. This can be used to generate recommendations or cluster similar products together.
API information for batch-categorize endpoint:
import requestsimport jsonurl = ""payload = json.dumps({ "target_csv_id": 83, "embeddings_csv_id": 4})headers = { 'KEY': '<YOUR_API_KEY>', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)print(response.text)
Required Headers
API key and content type are required.
{'KEY': '<YOUR_API_KEY>','Content-Type': 'application/json'}
This endpoint returns a task_id that allows you to access the batch run when it's finished. Use /get-similarity-results to fetch with task_id.
Id from an uploaded CSV. This id comes from the upload CSV endpoint:
This allows you to upload and store your CSVs for processes like this one. This field is required.
Products in the CSV will be returned with their similar counterparts in the Embeddings CSV.
Type: int
Id from an uploaded CSV. This id comes from the upload CSV endpoint:
This allows you to upload and store your CSVs for processes like this one. This field is required.
Products from the Target CSV will be compared against this. You can reuse the same embeddings_csv_id
with multiple CSVs.
Type: int